Join the CONNECTION Experience — The American Happiness Project

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Are you craving more community?

Do you wish you had more positive people in your life?

Find yourself wanting more joy and excitement?


The CONNECTION community is perfect for you if:

  • You want to meet new people that create a positive impact in your life.

  • You’re working on your own personal growth, and need accountability around it.

  • You don’t feel as connected to your friend group as you used to.

  • You’ve been craving more joy and excitement beyond your standard routine. 

  • You value true connection, but have been lacking it recently.

  • You find it intimidating to put yourself out there, and are looking for an easier way to connect and form deeper friendships. 

  • You know you have untapped potential, but you’re not sure how to unleash it.

  • You’re craving more fulfillment and meaning in your life. 


The CONNECTION community is an ongoing monthly membership, designed to connect you with other uplifting people across the USA.

When you join, you’ll receive:

Click to join the CONNECTION community!


When do virtual events take place?

Events take place via Zoom twice per month on the 2nd Fridays and 4th Mondays of each month at 12PM EST, 9AM PST. Each event is one hour long and guided, so all you need to do is show up ready to connect with others in an uplifting environment!

What happens at a virtual event?

Each event has a theme, and we’ve included a sample event below:

12-12:10PM - Welcome and intros to other CONNECTION members

12:10-12:20PM - Michelle Wax, founder of American Happiness Project, will share a guided interactive exercise themed to the month’s topic

12:20-12:35PM - Breakout rooms to connect with other members in small groups (3-4 members in each room)

12:35-12:50PM - Members are brought back into the main room to share with other members

12:50-1:00PM - Accountability exercise for the next week and wrap up!

What happens in between events?

Upon joining CONNECTION, you’ll receive an accountability partner and be added to our group Voxer thread (a group messaging platform) to stay connected with other members via text and voice memo. You’ll also receive inspiration and motivation each week!

Click to join the CONNECTION community!

Hi! I’m Michelle Wax, founder of American Happiness Project and am so excited for you to join our CONNECTION group experience. Let us know if you have any questions!

Hi! I’m Michelle Wax, founder of American Happiness Project and am so excited for you to join our CONNECTION group experience. Let us know if you have any questions!

Have a question about the CONNECTION community?

Submit it below and our team will get back to you within 24 hours!

When you join the CONNECTION experience, you’ll :

  • Create genuine connections 

  • Surround yourself with more positive people

  • Develop positive habits and lifestyle

  • Create and fortify a positive mindset

  • Expand your friendship group 

  • Grow your community beyond current family and friends

  • Expand beyond surface level conversations to meaningful ones that light you up and inspire you

  • Meet people to hold you accountable in an encouraging way that creates real change in your life

We’ll explore topics like:

  • The Science of Happiness and How to Use it To Your Advantage - learn why your natural human nature is working against long term happiness, and how to change it.

  • How to Generate Energy To Drive Productivity - learn how to create energy naturally to propel you through productive days.

  • Building Positive Habits in Uncertain Times - it's simpler, and more powerful, than you think.

  • Using Stress to Your Advantage - learn what’s happening within the brain when you experience stress, the differences between good and bad stress, and how to minimize it effectively long-term.

  • The Power of Relationships - learn what every human being is craving, and how to tap into deeper meaning and fulfillment in your relationships.

  • Building Resilience - learn how to fortify a mindset of resilience and positivity through using the science of the brain to your advantage.

  • Mindfulness to Create More Calm + Focus - learn what mindfulness is, how it impacts your focus, different ways to start incorporating it into your life,

  • Establishing Your Morning and Evening Routines - learn the power of routine to create more joy, productivity, and fulfillment daily - plus, attendees will learn how to create their own routines that will work best for them.

  • Creating More Joy and Purpose in the Everyday - learn how to gain clarity on your purpose to drive greater meaning and joy in daily life.